World News

Over Half of France's Endangered Species Unprotected: Report

By Jill Lorentz

June 14, 2024


A recent report by the French Committee of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has revealed that more than half of France's endangered animal and plant species are not adequately protected. According to the study, 56%, or 1,610 out of 2,857 threatened species in France, are not included in any protection order. This alarming situation highlights a significant gap in conservation efforts within the country. 
Martine Bigan, president of the commission on conservation of species at the French Committee of the of the IUCN, has branded this as an "insufficient and partial" approach towards biodiversity protection. The organization is urging for bolstering up measures to honor environmental commitments made during the COP15 Biodiversity Summit held in Montreal back in 2022. 
The report points out that while all amphibians, along with nearly all threatened mammals and reptiles, have been subjected to protective measures, certain other creatures like spiders, sharks, and stingrays have been overlooked on lists within France. Consequently, these animals remain vulnerable due to inadequate preservation initiatives. 
Furthermore, fish species alongside various forms of plants and invertebrates are only protected minimally because they fail to make it onto the 'conservation radar.' Florian Kirschner from IUCN explained this predicament during his interview with France Info: "These organisms are often ignored when it comes down to prioritizing resources for conservation." 
However, he also cautioned against viewing protection orders as a universal solution for preserving biodiversity. He argued that such actions alone will not address all existing problems threatening wildlife populations across France. 
Kirschner emphasized holistic strategies, stating, “What is essential is stopping pollution, overfishing, or land development that destroys valuable natural habitats.” This implies that addressing broader issues directly or indirectly affecting these ecosystems rather than focusing solely on individual species' survival would be a more effective long-term strategy. 
This revelation draws attention to the urgent need for reassessment regarding how biodiversity is preserved in France. While current efforts have been successful in protecting certain species, it's clear that a more comprehensive and inclusive approach is needed to safeguard the country’s rich biodiversity. 
Recognizing the importance of all organisms, regardless of their size or ecological role, is crucial for maintaining balanced ecosystems. As such, those overlooked on conservation lists deserve just as much attention and protection as higher-profile endangered species. 
Moreover, this report underlines the urgent need for a holistic approach to environmental preservation. It involves not only focusing on individual species but also addressing larger issues like pollution, overfishing, and land development, which are often the root causes behind habitat loss and consequently endangering wildlife populations. 
In conclusion, while France has taken steps to protect its biodiversity through various measures, including protective orders for certain animals and plants, there remains considerable room for improvement. A broader perspective encompassing all aspects affecting ecosystems should be adopted with urgency so that every organism within these habitats can thrive without threat of extinction.


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