Child, 12, Dies from Malnutrition Amid Gaza Siege

12-year-old child in Gaza dies due to malnutrition and dehydration amidst ongoing Israeli siege.

World News

Child, 12, Dies from Malnutrition Amid Gaza Siege

By Jill Lorentz

June 14, 2024


On Friday, June 14, 2024, a tragic incident unfolded in Gaza as another child fell victim to the dire humanitarian crisis that has gripped the region. A boy named Mustafa Hijazi, aged just twelve years old, passed away due to severe malnutrition and dehydration. This heartbreaking event marks an increase in the total number of malnutrition-related deaths within Gaza Strip up to 40 individuals. 


Mustafa's demise occurred at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital located in Deir al-Balah, central Gaza. The hospital is grappling with a critical shortage of medical supplies necessary for treating such cases. His death underscores the gravity of the ongoing Israeli aggression against this small coastal enclave since October 7. 


The residents of Gaza Strip are living through extreme humanitarian conditions akin to famine; they face acute shortages on multiple fronts including food scarcity and water deficiency. Moreover, there's also a significant lack of medicines crucial for saving lives and fuel vital for maintaining operations at hospitals and other important facilities. 


Earlier reports from medical sources highlighted that approximately fifty children residing in northern Gaza were suffering from starvation-induced malnutrition due to Israel blocking essential humanitarian aid into these areas. Kamal Adwan Hospital reported these alarming statistics which have caused deep concern among healthcare professionals working tirelessly under challenging circumstances. 


"The specter of famine looms over Gaza," one source revealed while describing how signs indicative of malnutrition were becoming increasingly visible among Gazan children. "We are attempting our best to provide minimal medical services despite facing severe fuel shortages." 


In early May this year, Israeli forces took control over Rafah border crossing - it’s considered as the sole gateway connecting Gazans with the outside world – effectively halting all types of aid inflow into devastated territory along with preventing wounded or sick individuals from seeking treatment abroad. 


This move by Israeli forces exacerbated an already deteriorating situation particularly within northern regions where local inhabitants consumed their remaining food reserves amidst a dwindling flow of much-needed assistance. The scarcity of aid has pushed the region to the brink, with residents struggling to find resources for survival. 


Health experts and relief officials have sounded an alarm regarding a potential famine that could engulf Gaza during this summer if Israel doesn't reconsider its stance on aid restrictions. They are calling for immediate cessation of aggression and restoration of vital services which can alleviate human suffering in these areas. 


The death of young Mustafa Hijazi is not just an individual tragedy but a painful reminder about the ongoing crisis in Gaza Strip where children, who should be the future's promise, are falling prey to politics-induced starvation and malnutrition. It’s a clarion call demanding global attention towards Gazan plight, urging stakeholders involved – particularly Israel - to prioritize lives over conflict and ensure humanitarian assistance reaches those desperately needing it.


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