Tax-Free Back-to-School Shopping Days in Select States

Enjoy tax-free shopping days for back-to-school supplies in participating states. Mark your calendars!

US News

Tax-Free Back-to-School Shopping Days in Select States

By Frederick Pollich

July 23, 2024


We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but back-to-school time is quickly approaching. The lazy days of summer are flying by, and before you know it, the kids will be returning to their classrooms. While students are still enjoying the last vestiges of their summer break, parents may start feeling a sense of dread at this time as they prepare for the impending onslaught of back-to-school shopping. 


Getting everything your children need to go back to school can put a serious dent in your budget. According to projections made by the National Retail Federation in 2024, back-to-school spending was expected to reach an astronomical $125.4 billion. Parents with children from kindergarten through grade 12 planned on spending an average amount of $875 just so that their students could have what they needed for the new academic year. 


Parents with college-age students were not exempted either; according to these estimates, they planned on shelling out around $1365 on back-to-school shopping alone! These numbers point towards one stark reality: Back-to-school shopping has become a costly affair over recent years. 


Fortunately though, many states across America offer some respite from these expenses by hosting tax-free shopping days during this period. These tax holidays provide individuals with the opportunity to purchase essential items such as classroom supplies, computers and clothing without having any sales tax applied on them. 


The savings might seem negligible initially but considering how much most people spend during this period – every dollar saved counts! 


Every state has its own set rules regarding which products qualify for this exemption and when these tax holidays occur - meaning you needn’t worry about missing out regardless of where you reside within America’s borders. 


For example Alabama offers its residents three consecutive days starting July 19th where certain eligible items can be purchased sans taxes while Arkansas provides two such days starting August 3rd . Even more generous is Connecticut which provides almost a week-long window (August 18-24) for tax-free shopping. 


Other states that offer such holidays include Florida, Iowa, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, Ohio and more. With this information in hand you can plan your back-to-school shopping spree accordingly to maximize savings. 


It is important to remember though that not all items are exempt from taxes during these periods – each state provides a comprehensive list of eligible products on its official website or through FAQs which should be consulted before making any purchases. 


In conclusion, while the impending arrival of the new school year might bring with it some financial stress, especially regarding purchasing supplies - there are ways around it. Make use of these tax holidays where possible and save yourself some money!  


This story originally appeared on Don't Waste Your Money. The aim was to provide awareness about how parents could best navigate the financially challenging period leading up to a new school term by utilizing state provided benefits like tax-free days.


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