
NTT Advanced Tech: Spearheading Japan's Tech Revolution

By Xavier Roxy

September 17, 2024


In the realm of technology and innovation, Japan stands as a beacon of excellence, continually pushing boundaries and setting new standards. At the forefront of this movement is NTT Advanced Technology Corporation (NTT-AT), a company dedicated to bridging the gap between cutting-edge research and practical business applications. Led by Representative Director and President Tadashi Ito, NTT-AT is not just a company; it's a visionary force driving Japan's digital transformation and global technological advancement. 
The mission statement for NTT-AT is clear: they strive to transform ground-breaking research from NTT Laboratories into tangible business solutions. With an emphasis on marketing strategies and business development, their goal is to unleash the full potential of products developed at these laboratories. As stated by Ito himself, "We believe that we must create an ecosystem of services for the entire lifecycle of that technology." 
One such product leading their innovative vision is HIREC, a super water-repellent material with diverse applications across numerous industries. Developed through state-of-the-art research methods, its unique properties make it difficult for water droplets to remain on painted surfaces, making it ideal in various fields like coating telecommunication towers or enhancing automotive displays. 
Other revolutionary products include SurfCool and SAPOE5000; both are surface-coating technologies with varying properties ranging from anti-heating capabilities to anticorrosion traits. The former can decrease outdoor equipment temperature, while the latter prevents rusting even after prolonged exposure during salt spray tests. 
These products display more than just technical prowess but also highlight their commitment towards creating impactful societal changes through innovation. Raising awareness about these advanced technologies remains one key initiative, as emphasized by Mr. Ito: "Our key initiatives involve increasing awareness about these fascinating distinctive technologies at our disposal.” 
However, their innovations aren’t limited merely to coating technology; they've also revolutionized image display systems via Kirameki Display, which provides unparalleled visual experiences due to its ultra-real-definition display capabilities. 
By collaborating with other industry leaders like Innolux Japan, NTT-AT has been able to create innovative solutions that redefine industry norms. As a leader in disaster management and community resilience, their focus is on leveraging technology for societal benefit. This reflects the company's understanding of the need to adapt and innovate within an ever-evolving global landscape. 
The CEO acknowledges that it’s not solely about selling products but showcasing effective solutions: "It isn't just about selling parts and components." By focusing on collaboration, ecosystem development, and global partnerships, NTT-AT is poised to lead Japan's technological resurgence on the world stage. 
Looking forward into the future, Ito envisions NTT-AT as an ongoing game changer in the industry with its focus on core technologies and resilient business models driving innovation shaping tomorrow's tech sphere. He states, "We believe we need a definitive key technology bearing our core competitiveness within three years." 
Innovation, collaboration, and vision—these are pillars upon which NTT-AT stands firm. As Japan embraces digital transformation fervently, this corporation remains unwaveringly committed towards pioneering new frontiers, thereby shaping brighter tomorrows for all.


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