
IISc Creates Innovative Brain-Like Computing Technology

By Xavier Roxy

September 12, 2024


In the field of AI, researchers are constantly seeking ways to improve efficiency and speed up data processing. One such development that has the potential to revolutionize how we view AI tasks comes from researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc). They have created a brain-inspired analog computing platform capable of storing and processing data in an astounding 16,500 conductance states within a molecular film. 
Traditional digital computers store and process information in just two states: on or off, represented by one or zero. However, this new computing platform developed by IISc Assistant Professor Sreetosh Goswami and his team has taken this concept several steps further. Instead of relying solely on two states for storage and processing, their system leverages multiple conductance states—up to 16,500—significantly increasing its capacity for data handling. 
This innovation not only improves upon existing systems but also introduces exciting possibilities for energy-efficient AI on personal devices. Current systems depend heavily on large-scale data centers, which consume significant amounts of energy due to cooling requirements, among other things. This new technology could minimize reliance on these resource-heavy centers while still providing powerful computational capabilities. 
The core component behind this innovative breakthrough is its molecular system, engineered by Visiting Professor Sreebrata Goswami at IISc. The system uses precise voltage pulses, which create what they refer to as a'molecular diary' detailing various states. By having so many different possible 'entries' in this diary instead of just two (on/off), it drastically reduces both time and energy required for complex calculations essential for certain AI tasks like matrix multiplication. 
This breakthrough aligns well with ongoing advancements in silicon electronics, making brain-inspired accelerators crucial elements towards faster, more efficient artificial intelligence applications. 
According to Profesor Sreetosh Goswami, "Our work provides a fresh perspective into understanding fundamental limits posed by materials towards achieving practical neuroinspired hardware." He goes on to add, "We have successfully demonstrated the ability of a single molecular system to take up multiple conductance states under carefully controlled conditions, which can be used as an analog memory element for neuromorphic computing.". 
The potential implications of this discovery are vast. It could revolutionize not only how AI tasks are handled but also pave the way for India to become a global leader in AI hardware innovation. 
This significant breakthrough has been recognized and supported by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology. This support reflects India's commitment to fostering technological advancements that will position it at the forefront of global innovation. 
In conclusion, this groundbreaking development from researchers at IISc is set to transform how we view data storage and processing in AI applications. By harnessing thousands more states than traditional systems, they've created a platform with exceptional capacity for handling complex calculations while reducing energy consumption significantly. The future looks promising indeed as further developments unfold around this exciting technology.


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