
Game-Breaking Bug in Gran Turismo 7 Makes Cars Fly

By Xavier Roxy

July 26, 2024


In the world of video gaming, Gran Turismo 7 is currently redefining what it means to "take flight." A game-breaking bug has thrown a wrench into the racer's physics, causing cars to launch skyward unexpectedly. The chaotic scenes captured by players show sports cars bouncing violently towards the heavens from the starting line; classic campervans shooting up like SpaceX rockets; and an overabundance of rollie-pollies. 
Gran Turismo 7 features an unparalleled range of vehicles, from contemporary supercars to classic muscle cars. Each car is a meticulously crafted replica that can be fine-tuned according to player preference. Therefore, when players installed the latest update only to discover their carefully chosen and tuned vehicles could now take flight at unexpected moments, it was undoubtedly quite a shock. 
The game suddenly transformed from being about racing Nissan Skylines on earthbound tracks to something akin to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in terms of vehicular behavior. Developer Polyphony Digital acknowledged these bugs are linked to a specific "car setting" and expressed its apologies for any inconvenience caused by this unforeseen issue. 
When announcing updates related to improvements in physics and suspension that would result in increased dynamic movement within gameplay, flying cars were certainly not part of Polyphony Digital's original plans or intentions. 
While many gamers have embraced this glitch with good humor (it does bring back memories of Grand Theft Auto’s infamous zero gravity cheat), there is no denying that such unpredictable behavior can quickly become frustrating for serious racers. Numerous clips circulating online showcase spring-loaded cars hopping around mid-race, leading to pile-ups or getting swallowed whole by race tracks, only adding chaos rather than competition. 
There exists somewhere beneath those virtual race tracks a graveyard filled with Honda Civics lost due to this glitchy phenomenon—much like Bermuda Triangle stories but all set within the Gran Turismo 7 universe! 
Bug occurrences are nothing new within games, and even Gran Turismo has had its fair share of problems in the past. The second game iteration was particularly plagued with issues that wiped players' garages clean, failed to record race results, and prevented players from completing the game 100%. 
Despite this glitchy setback, there are some gamers who see a silver lining amidst these unexpected flight paths. For them, flying cars add an extra layer of fun and unpredictability to races—even if it is due to a bug! There might be a few out there wishing for these flying cars to become a permanent feature within the Gran Turismo world rather than being seen as just another temporary niggle. 
However, while airborne vehicles may provide temporary amusement or frustration, depending on your perspective, Polyphony Digital will undoubtedly work hard at rectifying this issue so that Gran Turismo 7 can return to its roots, providing an immersive racing experience grounded firmly in Terra Firma.


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