
Asia-Pacific Hydrogen Summit 2024 in Brisbane

By Mike Dunn

July 5, 2024


The Sustainable Energy Council has recently announced that the Asia-Pacific Hydrogen Summit and Exhibition 2024 will be held in Brisbane, Queensland, on September 12–13, 2024. This event is set to bring together more than 3,000 industry leaders and 150 exhibitors from across the hydrogen value chain to showcase the latest technology, discuss new policies, and analyze upcoming projects in the hydrogen space. 
Building on the success of its inaugural event in 2023, this year's summit will be held in partnership with the Australian Hydrogen Council and supported by the Australian Trade and Investment Commission and Queensland Government. The goal of this event is to unite government and industry stakeholders to accelerate hydrogen development globally. 
One of the key features of this year's summit is a diverse range of sessions that will take place over two days. These sessions will feature esteemed speakers such as The Hon Chris Bowen MP (Australian Government's Minister for Climate Change and Energy), The Right Honourable Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari Bin Tun Datuk Abang Haji Openg (Premier of Sarawak), The Honourable Mick de Brenni (Queensland Government's Minister for Energy and Clean Economy Jobs), and Anja Hajduk (State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action), among others. 
Dr. Fiona Simon, CEO of the Australian Hydrogen Council, expressed her excitement about partnering with SEC again to deliver one of the largest hydrogen events in the Asia-Pacific region. She highlighted Queensland’s significant role in driving hydrogen projects forward, including hub projects in Gladstone and Townsville. Dr. Simon emphasized how important it is for Australia to stay ahead of key policy developments expected from their government while progressing towards financial investment decisions on various hydrogen projects. 
Hon. Mick de Brenni MP, Queensland Minister for Energy and Clean Economy Jobs, also shared his enthusiasm about hosting this prestigious event in sunny Queensland where experts from around the world can collaborate towards decarbonization goals collectively. With Queensland emerging as Australia’s home of hydrogen due to its abundant resources, infrastructure support, and skilled workforce activation plan, there are immense opportunities for decarbonizing various sectors like agriculture, manufacturing, resources, etc., contributing significantly towards achieving emissions reduction targets set by both state governments as well as international trading partners demanding responsible actions. 
Peter Horn from Austrade reiterated their support for showcasing Australia’s advancements within the global hydrogen industry during this summit, which offers a unique opportunity not just for decarbonization but also for energy security enhancement leading towards green economic prosperity, benefiting both Australia and other participating countries within the Asia-Pacific region. 
Chris Hugall Managing Director at SEC expressed pride over collaborating with Australian Hydrogen Council along with official endorsements from Austrade & host state QLD Govt aiming at paving way together towards sustainable future exploring limitless potential offered by embracing innovative solutions related specifically focusing on harnessing benefits associated with accelerating growth trajectory witnessed within APAC region especially pertaining adoption strategies linked closely aligned sustainability objectives aimed overall betterment planet earth ensuring cleaner greener environment fostering positive vibes throughout globe emphasizing need proactive approach addressing challenges posed climate change crisis looming large these days affecting everyone irrespective geographical boundaries thus necessitating collective efforts joining hands working hand-in-hand achieve common goals shaping brighter tomorrow generations come realizing importance play vital role mitigating adverse effects thereby securing prosperous future all mankind living beings inhabiting ecosystem planet called home we share responsibility making difference today impact tomorrow lasting impact worth investing time effort energies now so let us join forces make happen happening soon look forward seeing you there!


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