
Theia: Titaness and Creator of the Moon

By Xavier Roxy

June 16, 2024


The captivating allure of Earth and space sciences lies in their striking resemblance to mythological tales. As Robin Andrews contemplates in Atlas Obscura, "These mercurial, towering creatures and figures were often said to exist outside of time and space, beyond our limited understanding." He adds that these mythical beings engaged in wars, betrayals, deceptions, and combats capable of shaping entire worlds. 
Indeed, the parallels are compelling when we consider Theia, a titaness from Greek mythology who is believed to have given birth to Selene, the goddess of the moon. This narrative resonates with modern-day geophysical theories about how our own moon was formed. 
Our solar system was a chaotic place 4.5 billion years ago as planetesimals began forming out of a disk of gas and dust surrounding our sun. These bodies collided violently, leading to larger protoplanets, which later evolved into what we now know as our solar system. 
Among these celestial bodies emerged Earth's sibling planet, Theia. For eons, they coexisted peacefully until gravitational disturbances sent them on an inexorable collision course, resulting in debris comprising molten rock flying out into space from both proto-Earth and Theia. 
This impact debris eventually clumped together, forming our beloved moon, while remnants left behind by Theia may have contributed towards making Earth hospitable for life. 
Recently, scientists discovered two unusual blobs deep inside the Earth, under Africa and the Pacific Ocean, tentatively linked with this fabled cosmic event. These blobs, roughly equivalent in volume to that of the moon, could well be partial remains of long-lost planet Theia, providing hard evidence supporting its role in creating our moon. 
Andrews says lunar rocks bear chemical signatures akin to those found on earth, suggesting shared origins between both entities, further strengthening this hypothesis. 
He writes: “And computer simulations demonstrate that you can get the moon we know today if you slam a Mars-size projectile into magma ocean-smothered Earth." 
In addition to possible remnants of Theia, seismologists are discovering small, ultra-dense pockets in Earth's mantle, which could be remnants of iron-rich cores from other miniature planets that collided with early Earth. 
Andrews encapsulates the essence of this fascinating science, saying, "At its heart, that's what Earth science is about: turning myths into reality. And these stories are always grander and more fantastical than anything you'll find in fiction." 
From ancient times until today, myths have served as timeless guides influencing human realities. Theia serves this purpose perfectly; transcending her mythical stature, she has become an oracle, enlightening us about our natural world and cosmic beginnings. 
Myths like Theia continue to captivate us because they offer insights into the grandeur and majesty of our cosmos while reminding us how interconnected we truly are with the universe around us.


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