
Ancient Forest Unearthed: Two Creeks Buried Treasure - A Discovery Dating Back to the Ice Age in Wisconsin.

By Xavier Roxy

June 25, 2024


Two Rivers, Wisconsin, is home to a hidden gem that dates back to the ice age: the Two Creeks Buried Forest. This ancient forest was buried by glaciers and has recently revealed some of its secrets with the discovery of two pieces of wood believed to be 13,500 years old. The significance of this find cannot be understated, as it provides valuable insights into the history of Wisconsin and the period when this forest thrived. 
Scott Schaefer, director of the Weis Earth Science Museum, describes this discovery as a crucial piece in understanding Wisconsin's history. The final expansion of glaciers into Wisconsin buried this forest before melting and receding fully back to the arctic. This event marks one of the last pulses of the ice age in our state, making it a pivotal moment in our geological past. 
The expedition into Two Creeks Buried Forest has been deemed an extreme success by Schaefer and his colleagues. They believe that studying ancient environments like this is essential for gaining a deeper understanding of our planet's history. For residents like Tristen Mraz who live near this site, it is an honor to be surrounded by such raw nature and historical significance. 
Mraz expresses his awe at living next to an ancient forest that existed thousands of years ago. He jokes about wishing he could live as long as these artifacts have survived underground. The proximity to such a historically significant site adds another layer of appreciation for those living in Two Rivers. 
The artifacts found at Two Creeks Buried Forest are set to go on display soon after thorough testing is conducted on them. Schaefer hopes that raising enough funds will allow them to learn more about what these artifacts have endured over their nearly 13,000-year journey on the Lakeshore. 
The importance of preserving sites like Two Creeks Buried Forest cannot be overstated. These remnants from our past offer valuable insights into how our planet has evolved over time and provide us with a deeper connection to our natural world. By studying these ancient environments, we can better understand our place in history and appreciate the wonders that lie beneath our feet. 
As visitors explore Two Rivers' oldest feature dating back to the ice age, they are reminded of how interconnected we are with nature and how even small discoveries can unlock vast amounts of knowledge about our planet's past. The story continues at Two Creeks Buried Forest—a testament to resilience and endurance through millennia-long journeys across time itself.


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