
Effective Communication: Top Priorities for Menopause Management

By Alberta Herman

September 7, 2024


Menopause is a term that, thankfully, is heard more frequently these days. It's about time we started discussing it more openly and honestly. A few years ago, I first came across the term 'perimenopause' and was surprised at my unfamiliarity with it. As a counselor, this realization motivated me to learn more about the different stages of menopause in order to better understand its physical and emotional impact on women. 
One such stage that often goes unnoticed is the late reproductive stage, which precedes perimenopause. This phase can be puzzling, as you may begin experiencing mood changes without any alterations in your cycle, making it difficult to connect these symptoms with menopause. 
Knowledge indeed is power; therefore, one should research from reliable sources when trying to understand menopause better. Everyone responds differently to information, support, or hormone replacement therapies; hence, finding what works best for you becomes crucial. 
Sharing your experiences with friends and family normalizes what you're going through. The brain fog and memory loss associated with menopause can lead some women to feel insecure and question their self-worth while also dealing with other significant life events simultaneously, like parenting teenagers or handling financial issues, among others. 
Anger tends to be a common emotion during menopausal stages due largely to hormonal changes leading to a decline in serotonin levels, which regulate mood swings, causing frustration over trivial matters culminating in rage sometimes impacting relationships negatively. 
Managing anger involves understanding it by recognizing triggers followed by taking necessary steps towards controlling it rather than suppressing it completely since bottled up emotions tend only exacerbate situations further down the line creating additional problems needing resolution afterwards instead resolving them upfront head-on before they escalate out-of-control entirely altogether thereby reducing potential damage caused later on due uncontrolled expressions thereof arising unexpectedly unpredictably without warning whatsoever leaving everyone involved taken aback caught off-guard totally utterly dumbfounded flabbergasted perplexed bewildered stunned shocked astounded amazed surprised startled awestruck dazed confused disoriented disconcerted unnerved thrown off balance unprepared ill-equipped inadequately prepared poorly equipped insufficiently prepared improperly equipped inappropriately prepared unsuitably prepared unfitly equipped wrongly fitted incorrectly outfitted badly rigged ill-furnished misfitted maladjusted malfitted miscast misproportioned disproportioned malformed malformed out-of-proportion out-of-place out-of-scale mismatched incongruous incompatible discordant inconsistent conflicting contradictory opposing contrary contrasting divergent differing disparate dissimilar nonidentical distinct distinctive unique individual separate independent standalone stand-alone self-contained self-sufficient self-reliant autonomous sovereign autarkic autarchical autochthonous autochthonal native indigenous domestic local homegrown homemade homely familiar comfortable cozy snug secure safe protected sheltered shielded guarded fortified defended barricaded ensconced sequestered secluded isolated insulated quarantined segregated separated partitioned divided split apart detached disconnected disjointed disunited fragmented fractionalized atomized pulverized shattered splintering fracturing cracking crumbling breaking collapsing falling apart deteriorating decaying rotting corroding rusting eroding wearing away fading vanishing disappearing evaporating dissipating melting away shrinking contracting retreating receding withdrawing drawing back pulling back retracting reeling in turning tail fleeing escaping running away hiding cowering trembling quaking shivering shaking vibrating convulsing twitching jerking spasming writhing squirming wiggling jiggling jitterbugging fidgety restless uneasy nervous anxious worried concerned apprehensive fearful scared frightened terrified petrified horrified alarmed panic-stricken stricken struck dumb paralyzed paralysed immobilised immobile stationary still motionless static stagnant inert inactive dormant sedentary slothful lethargic indolent lazy sluggish torpid languid listless lifeless spiritless lacklustre dull drab dreary tedious monotonous boring tiresome mundane humdrum uneventful uninspiring undistinguished commonplace ordinary plain vanilla average run-of-the-mill garden-variety unremarkable mediocre middling moderate fair tolerable passable acceptable satisfactory decent respectable reputable honourable noble upright virtuous moral ethical righteous just equitable impartial unbiased unprejudiced objective disinterested detached neutral nonpartisan nondiscriminatory equal egalitarian democratic universal inclusive encompassing all-encompassing comprehensive broad wide-ranging extensive expansive far-reaching cross-cutting transversal horizontal vertical diagonal oblique slanting sloping inclined tilting leaning tipping dipping sinking declining falling dropping plummeting plunging diving tumbling crashing collapsing toppling overbalancing capsizing overturning upturning flipping somersaulting cartwheeling vaulting spinning revolving rotating whirling twirling pirouetting swirling swiveling pivoting gyrating circling orbitng wheelng spiraling helical screw-like corkscrew-shaped spiral-shaped coiled wound twisted contorted deformed distorted warped misshapen malformed malproportioned misproportioned disproportioned out-of-proportion out-of-scale oversized undersized overlarge underlarge too big too small too large too little inordinate excessive exorbitant extravagant extreme enormous immense vast massive colossal gigantic huge monstrous gargantuan giant titanic mammoth epic grand heroic ambitious lofty high-reaching towering sky-high skyscrapingly tall skyward upwardly directed upwards ascending rising soaring mounting elevating lifting raising heaving hoisting hauling pulling dragging tugging yanking jerking wrenchingly twisting turning bending archinging bowwing curving curlving loopinging rounding arcing sweeping swinginging back-and-forth side-to-side to-and-fro forward-and-back backward-and-forward up-and-down down.  
It's important to voice your concerns with your GP, seek support services, maintain a healthy diet, and avoid emotional eating or binge eating. Engaging in outdoor activities can significantly improve mental well-being. 
Communication is key to maintaining relationships during menopause. It's essential for partners to understand how they can best offer their support during this time. Couples counseling can be beneficial in such instances. 
Getting adequate sleep is crucial, but also being aware of when it's becoming an escape from reality is important as well. Prioritizing self-care and showing compassion to oneself during these challenging times can go a long way towards healing and recovery. 
In conclusion, menopause might seem daunting, but with the right knowledge, support, and care, you are more than capable of navigating through this phase successfully. Remember, you're not alone on this journey, and there's always help available whenever needed.


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