14 Risk Factors Increasing Your Dementia Odds

Research identifies 14 risk factors that significantly increase the likelihood of developing dementia.


14 Risk Factors Increasing Your Chances of Dementia

By Alberta Herman

August 1, 2024


Thursday, August . 1, 2024 (HealthDay News): The fight against dementia continues to evolve as researchers gain a deeper understanding of the disease’s risk factors. New research has identified two additional conditions contributing to the likelihood of developing dementia, adding to an existing list of twelve known risk factors. However, the silver lining is that these newly discovered risks can be mitigated with proactive health measures. 
The study's findings shed new light on our understanding of dementia and provide crucial insights into how we might reduce its prevalence in society. These discoveries are critical given that more than 50 million people worldwide suffer from some form of dementia, according to Alzheimer's Disease International. 
While it may sound daunting at first glance, there is hope amidst this revelation: both newly recognized risk conditions can be managed effectively through lifestyle changes or medical treatment under professional guidance. 
Firstly, untreated hearing loss in mid-life was found to be one significant factor contributing to cognitive decline leading to dementia. Researchers suggest regular hearing check-ups, especially for those over forty years old, and prompt use of assistive devices like hearing aids if required. 
Secondly, exposure to air pollution later in life also emerged as a substantial contributor to increasing the chances of developing dementia. While controlling environmental pollution might seem beyond individual control, experts advise that taking simple steps such as using air purifiers at home and wearing masks while commuting during high pollution days could significantly help minimize exposure risks. 
These revelations add to the already established dozen risk factors, which include lack of education in early life, hypertension and obesity in midlife, smoking, depression, social isolation, and physical inactivity, among others. 
The good news? Armed with this knowledge about potential causes for increased vulnerability towards dementia, individuals can now make informed decisions about their lifestyle choices aimed at reducing their overall susceptibility to it over time by proactively addressing these specific areas wherever possible. 
More importantly, though, all these diverse risk factors underscore a key underlying message: the importance of a holistic approach towards overall health and wellness throughout one's lifetime. It isn’t just about addressing isolated conditions but rather about maintaining an overall balanced lifestyle, both physically and mentally. 
Researchers hope that their findings will encourage people to take preventive measures early on, such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and mental stimulation activities like puzzles or learning new skills, along with routine medical check-ups for timely intervention in case of any developing risk conditions. 
This research also underscores the urgent need for public awareness campaigns aimed at educating individuals about these risk factors so they can make informed decisions regarding their health and lifestyle choices. Governments and healthcare providers must play a crucial role in disseminating this information widely. 
In conclusion, while dementia continues to be a significant global health challenge, ongoing research is steadily providing us with more tools to fight it effectively. By understanding its diverse causes better, we are not only able to provide targeted treatments but also empower individuals to reduce their personal risks through proactive health management. 
And remember, every little step counts when it comes to safeguarding your brain health! Prevention truly is better than cure when dealing with diseases like dementia, whose impacts extend beyond the individual affected into their families and communities too.


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