
Success Relies on Positivity, Discipline, Support - Guyana Chronicle

By Jack Simpson

September 8, 2024


Simran Edmond, a top-performing student at Queens College, has demonstrated the power of maintaining a positive mindset and discipline when striving to achieve major goals. This year she excelled in the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) Examination with 14 grade ones, six grade twos, and one grade three. 
Her accomplishments are attributable not only to her intelligence but also to her willingness to put in hard work regardless of whether she enjoyed the subject or not. "I feel so extremely relieved," Simran said upon receiving her results. "But relief would be an understatement to the number of emotions I felt... I was so happy and gratified that indeed, just as the cliché goes, hard work will pay off." 
Despite acing subjects like mathematics, agriculture science, principles of accounts, and biology—most of which were not her favorites—Simran's success boiled down to having self-discipline for studying. Through this process, she realized that even though these subjects did not appeal much initially, their knowledge could prove beneficial in any future endeavor. 
School-Based Assessments (SBAs) posed another challenge for Simran due to their time-consuming nature, requiring extensive coordination with teachers and classmates. However, through better communication with teachers and group members alike, along with support from family, particularly from the mother, we helped overcome these challenges, ensuring the best grades possible. 
One strategy that worked well for Simran during CSEC preparation was forming study groups where they could tackle past exam papers together, explaining concepts amongst themselves, which proved extremely helpful. 
"My family played an instrumental role throughout my journey," expressed Simran gratefully acknowledging how each member contributed towards achieving this goal whilst sharing some lighthearted moments amidst intense preparations.My dad’s unfunny jokes used to lighten up tense moments while my younger sister Sanjana served as my biggest t cheerleader, adds Simran. 
Another key factor contributing towards success, according to Simran, is creating balance between relaxation and studies by preparing a study schedule, a wisdom imparted by her mother. 
With CSEC behind her, Simran is now looking forward to following in the footsteps of her parents Joel and Geeta Edmond as she plans on becoming an attorney. Besides this, she also hopes to be involved in their family businesses. 
While proud of her achievements so far, Simran acknowledges that there's still much hard work ahead before reaching her ultimate goals.This is just the first leg of the journey towards endless possibilities," said Simran optimistically. 
In conclusion, Simran advised fellow students not to procrastinate but rather focus on working through past papers, referring to the to the syllabus as "your best friend." She emphasized the importance of discipline while remaining grounded and humble, having faith in oneself, along with support from dedicated group members, which eventually leads to success.


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